Thursday 31 March 2011


Awesome Mount Fuji
Did you travel to the famous and beautiful Mount Fuji before? If you haven't go Mount Fuji before let see this blog about the AWESOME Mount Fuji. 
This blog will tell you many interesting facts about Mount Fuji.

Highest Mountain of Japan
Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. Mount Fuji also got other names, such as  "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama"  and "Mt Fujiyama". "Fujiyama" is an incorrect name that a few Japanese used to spell the name of Mount Fuji. "Fuji-san" , this "-san" most properly is used with people's names, such as Watanabe-san.

Location of Mount Fuji
It stands 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft) high and is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshu, just west of Tokyo.

First Erupted and The Last Erupted
The most recent Mount Fuji eruption began on the 16th December, 1707. The eruption finally stopped around the 1st January, 1708. Although it has been 300 years since the last eruption the mountain is still considered to be an active volcano.

Interesting Facts
Did you all know how Mount Fuji get it's sweet name?
Its name comes from the Ainu (native Japanese people) language and carries the meaning "everlasting life".

How did Mount Fuji formed?
This iconic natural wonder is not actually a single volcano but three. The youngest volcano, the one we all know today: Fuji, lies on an older volcano known as Kofuji, underneath which is Komitake volcano. The first peaks were possibly formed about six hundred thousand years ago. I'm glad I wasn't around for that.

When is the best period we went Mount Fuji?
We can visit the mountain all year but the best and official climbing season starts on July 1st and ends on August 27th.

here some picture about the MOUNT FUJI.


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